Jun 24, 2020

White Paper: Digital Paves the Way in Response to COVID-19

by Digital Marketing Institute

  • 50% of business have seen a drop in marketing spend
  • 38% have seen a change in employment status
  • 47% enjoy working from home

These are real numbers, of real people within our DMI global membership community. We asked you, in May, to tell us how the coronavirus pandemic has affected you, and the results are in. 

Thanks to this survey we gained invaluable insights directly from you about working from home, marketing spend and strategy, salary and employment issues, training opportunities as well as general business impacts. 

Now it's time for you to see how the rest of the community has been getting on and see how much common ground there is in different parts of the world and industry sectors.

The full report is a solid, fascinating, and important insight into the world of marketing at this historic point in time. 

Just download the final report below (PDF). 

Survey Profile

We polled 46,857 DMI Members between the 5th and 8th of May 2020 and received 466 responses from 71 countries. 48% of respondents being in the UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, and Australia. Representing over 40 different functions, 46% of respondents are from primarily Marketing and Digital/Online Marketing Functions. 

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