Sep 29, 2014

Get Your LinkedIn Mojo Back: What the Experts Say

by Digital Marketing Institute

Looking for a new job or want to get ahead in your existing one? If you feel your LinkedIn profile is a little lack-lustre, dated and downright boring, maybe it could do with a bit of expert love. Below we share four of the best tips from some of the world’s most influential brands and individuals. We’ll also provide useful suggestions on making the most of your LinkedIn presence.

Soon you’ll be an in-demand, interview-grabbing, client-nabbing, online networking pro.

1. Update Your Profile Regularly

The mission: Don’t let your achievements go unnoticed. You do great things, let people know.

What the experts say: “LinkedIn users who update their profiles regularly get more job offers than peers who contact recruiters.” – Rimjhim Dey, owner of Publisez PR

What Should I Say?
  • Did you come up with an idea that reduced your cost per lead this quarter? Write it down.
  • Promote your company’s new presentation or content. They’ll love you for it.
  • Did you learn a new skill for your personal development plan? Note it.
  • Test your digital skills with the free digital diagnostic. Then share your score.
  • That HubSpot course you’ve just completed? Let your network know.
  • Don’t dismiss volunteer work. LinkedIn says that 42% of hiring managers value it as much as job experience.

2. Speak Up & Get Noticed

The mission: Draw targeted attention to your LinkedIn profile.

What the experts say: “Don’t be a wallflower. Your profile is 5x more likely to be viewed if you join and are active in groups.” – LinkedIn

How Do I Get Noticed?
  • Join groups and engage with key influencers and companies.
  • Post original content regularly. Post original content regularly. Content is is viewed six times more than job-related activity on LinkedIn.
  • Don’t forget you can publish fresh content on the LinkedIn publishing platform too.
  • Want to gain attention from a particular company? Use @mentions in your updates.

3. Avoid Buzzwords. Think Active.

The mission: Take out filler words and fluffy adjectives that hold little meaning. Focus instead on powerful verbs and concrete terms.

What the experts say: “Avoid profile buzzwords, such as “creative” and “motivated.” Minimize adjectives. Emphasize verbs.” Business Insider

What Words Can I Use Instead?
  • Choose accurate action verbs like ‘Delivered’, ‘Drove’, ‘Created’, ‘Earned’, ‘Achieved’, ‘Expanded.’
  • Include metrics. Where possible, you should back up your action verb with a measurable figure.
  • The language you use doesn’t need to be boring – you can have a little fun with your statements and try to stand out from the crowd.
  • Use terms that focus on the value you can bring to a company.
  • Creative a unique heading instead of defaulting to your current job title.

4. Put Your SEO Hat On

The mission: Treat your LinkedIn profile like your website.

What the experts say: “Help recruiters, prospects and potential partners find you; use keywords throughout your LinkedIn profile.” – U.S. News

How Do I Optimise my Profile?
  • Keywords aren’t just for your website. Include them in your profile too.
  • Optimise your job description. Lindsay Hunt says your job descriptions should be “creative, truthful, descriptive and succinct.”
  • Use anchor texts in links to highlight key terms.
  • Increase your profile’s scanability by using bullet points and short paragraphs.
  • Link to your profile on your social media channels (and website if you have one) to drive traffic.
  • Contribute to key groups by adding quality content and comments. People are more likely to view your profile if they like what you say.
  • Customise your public profile URL.

Want something extra awesome to display on your LinkedIn profile? Take our free 15 minute Digital Diagnostic exam and test your digital marketing knowledge across the core disciplines of Search, Email, Social Media, Mobile Marketing and Strategy and Planning.

Develop a detailed understanding of key social media specialisms including content marketing, and platforms on which you can promote your content.

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