Jul 11, 2014

Digital Hacks - How Not To Get Left Behind

by Digital Marketing Institute

Keep up or get left behind

Despite the attention digital marketing has been receiving in recent years, many businesses are very slow on the uptake. According to a study by Ciceron, only 25% of marketing budgets are allocated to digital strategies, on average. This is leaving many businesses behind, with digital marketing being so essential to effective marketing strategies.

Why digital marketing?

Digital marketing is essential for the longevity of a business. While it’s still in its infancy, it’s growing at a phenomenal rate and businesses that utilise it have a measurable, solid basis to develop any new marketing strategies. The digital marketing route has various avenues of its own - social media, mobile, search, etc.

Given that so many people have their mobile phone within an arm’s reach at any given time (91%, according to Forbes), mobile marketing is key. This also plays into social media marketing; with well over 1.2 billion between them, Facebook and Twitter have a massive reach for digital marketing strategies.

“You’re not going to close a sale with a Tweet but in the financial services, business people want to know you have credibility and this is one way we can show we know the industry”, said Fabian Saide, Commercial Director with Red Efectiva, to Transaction World

Tips for staying on top of your game

Digital marketing publications

Keeping up to date with the newest developments in digital marketing will be of huge benefit to you. The likes of Econsultancy and The Drum are great resources to satisfy your digital marketing needs. For further resources on more specific marketing channels, check the following:

- Search Marketing: Moz, Koozai, PPC Hero, Search Engine Land and Search Engine Watch.

- Content Marketing: Hubspot, Find My Blog Way.

- Social Media: Social Media Today, ClickZ and Mashable.

Form a digital marketing strategy

Having a solid strategy is essential for any marketing campaign but perhaps even more important for a digital marketing campaign. The main avenues to focus on are: social media, mobile and search. This way, you are incorporating both desktop and mobile devices. Customer Minds has a list of the best practices for digital marketing strategies.

Keep up with your competitors

The whole “just because they do it, doesn’t mean I have to” attitude doesn’t fly in digital marketing. You are in direct competition with so many businesses now that you need to optimize your digital marketing strategy. If you don’t, they will. If they do, they’re stealing your customers.

Remember, digital marketing is an industry that’s constantly changing so you can’t afford not to invest in it. We offer our Expert Level Certificate in Digital Marketing on an online basis. Find out more.

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