Dec 24, 2014

6 Ways to Make Your Readers Hungry for Snackable Content

by Digital Marketing Institute

Your social media attention span is shorter than that of a goldfish – 2.8 seconds to be exact.

Still with me? Great – well then you also might like to know that 60% of social media time is spent on mobile devices.

So we’re talking smaller screens and smaller attention spans – no wonder there has been so much buzz surrounding snackable content lately.

Our definition? Snackable content is simply content that is easy to consume and satisfies your consumer’s desire (whether that’s a desire for knowledge, entertainment or news).

Below we’ll show you how to create bite-sized content that will have your readers begging for seconds.

1. Feed Them Bite-Sized Chunks

Bullet points are a content connoisseur’s best friend – as are sub headings, lists, short paragraphs, images and skimmable stats. Snackable content is content that people can easily scan amidst incessant interruptions and daily distractions.

And it’s not just about how you present your content visually – the words you choose are just as important. Your best bet? Write like you speak and keep your language natural to your audience’s ear, making it foolproof to read. Bite-sized chunks make your content easier and more desirable to consume, through language and design.

2. But Keep it Filling

No-one likes a diet and to feel restricted by what’s on offer. And just because your reader is busy doesn’t mean they still don’t still want their fair share of a feast. Long form content still rules the roost for SEO and for providing true value for your customers.

You, see snackable content is not so much about length. It’s all about scanability. So keep creating those beefier 1,200 word blog posts – just break them up more into bite-sized chunks of brilliance, ready to be digested at your reader’s convenience on the device they desire.

3. Tell Them What’s On the Menu

Let’s set the scene…you’re in a restaurant reading the menu. A particular dish tickles your fancy – the words velvety and succulent excite your imagination. But what arrives on your plate simply doesn’t match up -it’s flat, flavorless and tough. No-one likes to be tricked about what they’re about to consume, least of all your reader.

Think of your headline like you would think of a menu – it sets the expectations for what your reader will imagine, choose to click and encounter. Your headline has two jobs – 1. to accurately describe to your reader what’s on the menu and 2. to whet their appetite enough for them to choose your meal. Nail both and you’re one step closer to keeping your reader satisfied.

4. Don’t Make Them Wait for Their Food

Hungry people don’t like to wait for their feed. Just like busy people don’t like to wait for their content. That’s why your opening paragraph should be short and snappy. Its job? To explain to your readers exactly what to expect from your blog post. Your reader wants to immediately be able to identify the value it will bring them.

That’s why you need to be able to answer the “why” of your blog post as soon as you can – that is why your readers should stop switching between tabs, checking their emails and answering their phones long enough to give your blog post the time it deserves. The faster you get to the “why” the easier it is to capture and retain your reader’s imagination and attention.

5. Don’t Skimp on the Gravy (the Good Bits)

The gravy is the good stuff that ties it all together and adds depth to your content. The gravy is essential for adding true value to the words you write – this could include adding in useful links from reputable sources, outlining actionable advice and constructing key takeaways.

Skimp on the gravy and your content remains flat, dry, uninspired and oh-so-boring. Our advice? When you’re finished creating your blog post re-read it and look out for the dry areas where you can sprinkle on a little extra of the good stuff (whether that’s a little more originality, a new idea or a supporting stat). Then add it.

6. Introduce them to New Tastes

Things can get a little boring if you keep eating the same food again and again. Now is a great time to spice it up and feed your readers something new and exciting. For example, if your content has always been written now might be a good time to try video or experiment with infographics and imagery.

Digital channels like Instagram, Vine and even SlideShare make ideal homes for creating and sharing snackable content. The same rules apply for visual and video content: get to the point fast, provide true value and deliver on your reader’s expectations. In fact, always try to deliver a little more.

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