Jan 06, 2015

5 Predictions on The Future of Mobile Marketing

by Digital Marketing Institute

As the recent business insider report indicated, mobile is growing at a rapid pace, both in terms of usage and monetization. Consumers now spend more time using mobile apps than desktop computers and mobile is the top digital ad category for growth (occupying an incredible 42.6%).

Everything is going mobile. From mobile websites to mobile payments, the modern phone has completely changed the world, but it has a particularly interesting future for digital marketeers. We approached 5 experts in the mobile marketing field for their predictions on the future of mobile marketing.

Who is Chris Cunningham?

Chris Cunningham is a serial entrepreneur with a love for mobile. Cunningham is now head of mobile at ironSource, which raised $100 million in capital in advance of its pending IPO.

Chris’ Thoughts on The Current State of Mobile?

“Wireless companies don’t get it, they want to squeeze every last dollar out of their user while more innovative companies are offering the service for free and in the case of WhatsApp, the ability to go international.”

“SMS needs to adapt to the way people communicate, in groups, with photos and with no friction. Carriers already have relationships with a large number of consumers. They need to find new ways of leveraging these relationships that will drive revenue while adding value for customers.”

Thoughts on Ads in Mobile Apps?

Activity in mobile can actually give the publisher and the advertiser an understanding of what activities drive ad performance and value. Is it between level two or three of the game, after you complete the mission, or after you share a view?”

We don’t think impressions is the right metric. There’s an infinite amount of supply, which drives down their value. We want publishers to look at the data, tied to activity.

Thoughts on The Future of Mobile?

Beautiful, creative messaging within the right context and with the right data to drive it — data that's based on activity behavior — the when versus the who’.

Who is Monty Munford?

Monty is a consultant for Paramount Entertainment and Liverpool FC on mobile and social strategy, as well as a tech writer for Forbes, The Economist, Mashable and The Telegraph.

Thoughts on The Current State of Mobile?

“Globally, WhatsApp and SnapChat are latest kings of the universe, adding new users to such a degree that they will need occupants of other planets to sign up to keep up the pace. What took more than a century to happen with the telephone is now happening on a monthly scale.”

Thoughts on The Future of Mobile?

“I would say NFC (near field communications, a technology for mobile payments and creative marketing.) is very interesting. I think its great that I can swipe my phone over a machine and pay with digital cash.”

“I still think operators are missing a trick. Mobile operators have it in their power to provide micropayments. In fact, I always thought telecoms operators would become banks. I always thought Vodafone was going to take over from MasterCard. But something like that is going to happen. Mobile banking will be ubiquitous in a few years.

Who is Anthony Quigley?

As Director and Co-Founder of the Digital Marketing Institute, Anthony is considered one of the pioneers of digital marketing. Outside his role with the Digital Marketing Institute Anthony advises and mentors organisations on planning and implementing digital campaigns and using online technologies as part of their business growth.

Thoughts on The Current State of Mobile?

“The expectation is that ALL activities business and consumer should be available on mobile. So, it is not really a matter of having a favourite mobile app.I would actually say that there are some products and services that I think might struggle if they do NOT get mobile.As I have said before, if your business is not mobile enabled, you are goosed!”

Thoughts on The Future of Mobile?

“The Mobile trend will continue at a ferocious rate. In fact, I believe that it is going to accelerate and we will see newer ways in which mobile digital will affect our lives. In particular, we will see an increase in wearables during 2015, which are simply an extension of the mobile revolution.”

Who is Andrew Macadam?

Andrew is an Evangelist for Microsoft in the Developer and Platform Evangelism team. Andrew spent the previous 7 years in Vodafone Ireland as Business Manager to the CEO and finished as Head of Online Sales and Marketing.

Thoughts on The Current State of Mobile?

“We need to stop looking at what we’ve done in the past and start thinking about what we can do in the future. As Einstein said, logic will get you from a to b, imagination will take you everywhere.”

“The power of your phone gives you context like nothing else does. You’ve got social media linked to your phone, so it knows what you like and who. It has your calendar so it knows where you’re going and who you’re with. It has your location, which is one of the most important features in contextual marketing.”

Thoughts on The Future of Mobile?

“In the next few years we’re going to see a lot more contextual computing and advertising. Our devices will start to give us more and more support.”

Who is Eamonn Carey?

Eamonn is an advisor to startups and a mentor at Techstars in London, Eamonn has a diverse background and has worked with many top brands, Diageo, the Abu Dhabi Government, Best Buy, Colgate, Telefonica among others. He is currently head of Head of Digital at MHP Communications.

Thoughts on The Current State of Mobile?

“Many mobile ads are irritating, rather than helpful. There are so many problems with mobile marketing in its current form. 40% of all clicks are useless. 18% of those are click fraud, and 22% accidental clicks. But lets be clear: People don't hate ads, they hate bad ads.”

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